Edit Content

Digitilyz, Highway 111, Indian Wells, California, 92210, CA.

A Content Marketing Agency That Grows Your Brand Awareness

(and Bottom Line)

Attract and inspire a growing fanbase with engaging and on-brand written content. When your value is unmistakable, choosing your brand becomes the obvious choice.

Win Customers for Life as the Go-To Brand in Your Category

Many brands bombard consumers with incessant ads, making them feel like walking wallets. Stand out by showing you care about their problems with quality content that informs, connects, and entertains.

At Digitilyz, we develop content marketing strategies that seamlessly integrate search engine optimization, social media, email marketing, PR, and CRO. Our approach creates undeniable value for your target audience and increases your brand awareness.

When customers fall in love with your written content, you will:

Here’s a Look at What’s Possible for Your Custom Content Strategy

Why Choose Digitilyz?

By partnering with us, you get:

1. Specialized Content Strategy

A custom content strategy thoughtfully executed by a dedicated digital marketing team focused on driving brand recognition and revenue growth.

2. Bespoke Customer Personas

Tailored customer personas used for content creation, providing targeted value to attract the leads you need.

3. Integrated Content Approach

Seamless integration of content into CRO, PR, SEO, social media, and paid search ads for the most significant revenue impact.

Frequently Asked Questions about Content

What is a content audit?

A content audit is a crucial step in our methodology at Fresh Digital. Our team performs a comprehensive review of all your current copy and promotions to understand the state of your content marketing strategy. We evaluate blog content, promotion techniques, competitive analysis, conversion points, and copy objectives. Using these insights, we develop a robust strategic plan to increase the value of your website content and grow your business.

What is the difference between a long-form and short-form blog post?

The primary difference between long-form and short-form blog posts is their length. Long-form posts are typically at least 1,200 words and are written for SEO value to improve rankings. Short-form posts are generally around 700 to 800 words and are designed to increase engagement or for posting on social media and email channels.

What is an infographic?

An infographic is a visual representation of information, data, or knowledge. It presents information quickly and clearly for easy comprehension and helps improve cognition of complex information by using graphics to enhance pattern and trend recognition. In marketing, infographics help consumers understand and digest complicated concepts and are ideal for social sharing, increasing your brand awareness.

What is a content calendar?

A content calendar is a detailed plan outlining when you will produce and publish your content. It helps you stay organized, avoid content gaps, and ensure regular production of new material. At Fresh Digital, we help our clients create content calendars that address specific customer personas and content clusters, ensuring that our digital strategy covers all aspects of your business.

How does content marketing work?

Content marketing involves publishing editorial content, graphics, and videos to attract, inform, and engage your target audience. Instead of pushing products or services, the focus is on providing high-quality, targeted material that is helpful and useful to your customers. This approach increases trust in your business and enhances brand recognition. Additionally, generating quality content can improve your SEO and generate high-quality leads.